Vision, Brand and Performance Promise
We have been a competent business partner in the challenging aviation industry since 1997.
We have already started working on tomorrow’s aerospace technologies, because we keep our eyes moving forward. We combine creative ideas with skilled engineering services, keeping abreast of today, but also pushing today’s limitations into the technology realities of the future.
Our focus is based on continual improvement down to the smallest detail, while still meeting the tough requirements in aviation. We always work in collabaration with our customers, specifying a project’s requirements together, a connection, which makes us a more effective aircraft service provider.
We listen closely, clarifying your needs, thinking ahead for you systematically. From the initial idea, and development and manufacturing to after-sales support, our customers benefit from our expertise. We combine flexible, competent decision-making skills with decades of experience in the aviation industry, wrapped in a professional style.
Find out more about us in our AES Company brochure…
Vahit Ezer-Hagemann
Graduate Engineer (FH) Vahit Ezer-Hagemann was born in Turkey. He is married, and has two children. After earning his advanced technical college certificate in technology, he started studying engineering at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, with a focus on production engineering. He finished his degree with his thesis on “Analysing Malfunctions in the Aggregate Preassembly of the Front and Rear Axles”.
Vahit Ezer-Hagemann started his career at AES GmbH in 1999 in the Service Department, now known as the Electrical Engineering Department. He also contributed his experience to several different areas of the company. He established a quality management system in 2003 and led this department for three years before taking on project management in 2006. After working in the Project Management Department, Vahit Ezer-Hagemann began to leading the Procurement and Sales Department. He was granted commercial power of attorney, and he became a shareholder in 2010. He has been a CEO at AES since 2013.
Dr. rer.nat. Jörn Burkert
Dr. rer.nat. Jörn Burkert was born in Bremen on the 2nd of May 1972. He is married and has two children. He started his degree in physics concentrating on environmental physics and hemistry and technology assessment at the University of Bremen in 1991 after completing his secondary schoolling. He completed his studies in 1999 with his thesis work on “Analysing the Role of Peroxy Radicals in the Atmosphere’s Ozone Balance”. During his studiesat university, he completed two internships in Wellington, New Zealand: at the National Institute for Water and Atmosphere, and the Meteorological Service in New Zealand.
From May to June 2001, he was a guest researcher for the Indian Ocean Experiment in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Maryland, USA. From 1999 to 2003, he worked as a research associate and doctoral candidate in the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen. The title of his PhD thesis is “Modelling of tropospheric ozone and radical chemistry” (honour: “summa cum laude “). He then continued to work as a project manager at the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen.
Dr. Jörn Burkert became a Quality Management Assistant at AES on 1 January 2005. He became Head of the QM Department the following year, and stayed in this position for many years. Following this, he became Head of Project Management and Development. He was granted commercial power of attorney and he became a shareholder in May 2010. Dr. Jörn Burkert became one of the CEOs at AES in 2013.
Our headquarters is in the technology park directly adjacent to the Bremen Airport, our management board and main administrative management staff work at this location. The Electrical Engineering Department, certification facilities, Electronic Development Department and Production for the OEM aviation market are also located here.
The company building, shaped like an aircraft wing, was built in 2005.
Our company’s success and growth over the years has made it necessary to expand. In September 2013, AES unveiled a new headquarters building, double in size, to accommodate our growth. Further company growth required even more spatial expansion. Therefore, we built a new 6.450 sqft warehouse at our headquarters in Bremen, which was completed in 2020.
AES Headquarters Bremen
Hanna-Kunath-Str. 33
28199 Bremen
Phone: +49 (421) 24030-0
In May 2010, AES acquired Schütt Elektronik GmbH, a company founded in 1995. This new branch of AES is in Hamburg, and specialises in lighting, communication and control systems for business and VIP aircrafts. It is located at the ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research. The ZAL is the technological research and development network of the civil aviation industry in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. Our Hamburg branch focuses on developing versatile, multifunctional electronics and custom solutions. Naturally, our most successful applications are eventually incorporated into our portfolio, as a serial product.
AES branch office Hamburg
Hein-Sass-Weg 22
21129 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (40) 7902862-40
Branch office manager:
Mr. Oliver Wulf
Social Engagement
Our commitments
AES has been involved in a wide variety of charity projects since December 2010. These focus on both regional and international organizations who help people and the environment.
In Bremen, we sponsor the REFUGIO endowment fund. In terms of international charities, we are a current member of the WWF and actively involved in the PLAN emergency response fund. Additionally, we provide help for our PLAN godchild Albertha.
A place of refuge
REFUGIO is an association providing help for refugees and victims of violence. Most of the people who come to REFUGIO Bremen have been persecuted due to their religious, political, ethnical, or sexual affiliation. Often, they arrive with immense emotional strain and distress caused by wartime experiences. In an affiliated centre for psychosocial and therapeutic treatment, REFUGIO helps traumatised people find mental balance and stability, deal with past traumatic experiences and strengthen their own resources in their own native languages. The goal is to help people find their way back to their life now, in a new, foreign society they can call home.
WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature
Preserving biological diversity – a living planet for our children and ourselves.
AES is a member of the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). We support wildlife conservation projects with contributions. These projects include developing conservation areas and national parks, the training and funding of workers, as well as, protection projects for endangered species.
Enable emergency aid
The PLAN emergency response fund is responsible for immediate disaster management, medium-term reconstruction plans and long-term projects designed to prepare people in the event of a disaster. The PLAN emergency response fund provides fast, direct response that covers the immediate needs of the people concerned. This includes drinking water, food, medicine, emergency accommodations, building materials, trauma healing, and temporary school instruction. Medium-term actions include home construction, school construction and the rebuilding of infrastructure. The emergency response fund also finances surgeries for seriously ill children.
Our former godchilds Brayan and Mamawa
Our godchild Brayan lived with his mother, his brother, and grandparents in the southwest part of the Dominican Republic. His family is Catholic and speaks Spanish. Mamawa lived with her mother, a provincial woman, and sister in northern Liberia, close to the border of Guinea and Sierra Leone. Mamawa belongs to the Muslim minority and speaks English.
By supporting PLAN International Deutschland e.V. we were able to send gifts or even school materials to to our godchildren. We are glad to have improved living conditions for Brayan and Mamawa and their families. Brayan and Mamawa are now grown up.
Our godchild Albertha
As a follow-up, we are sponsoring seven-year-old Albertha from Liberia. The communities where Brayan and Mamawa lived have been able to implement some life-improving measures through Plan. We hope to support similar improvements in Albertha’s community.
Corporate Health Promotion Management
The physical integrity of AES employees is a major concern of ours. Therefore, we cooperate with the health insurance “hkk” to perform our corporate health promotion management.
The corporate health promotion management involves presentations from external speakers, anonymous employees’ surveys for analysis, planning and execution of healthcare measures as well as the assessment of the results.
We are especially happy that a strong team of 25 motivated colleagues accepted the challenge of theB2Run. The run was established in 2004, a nationwide company-running event. We are proud to have such an active team.
With health promotion, we strive to create beneficial work situations and try to achieve the following objectives for our employees:
- A positive health culture
- Higher job satisfaction
- Increasing well-being at the workplace
- Preventive health measures and profound knowledge
- Helping our employees to help themselves
- A high attendance at our annual AES healthcare event