Creating Solutions

for challenging environments


Everything under control.

Over the years AES has developed a wide variety of airplane parts, several controlled by a micro­controller or others using programmable logic (e.g. FPGA). We apply these aviation products to a broad range of applications.


Light up your cabin.

The Lights & Mech­anics Com­pe­­tence Centre at AES in­cludes em­ploy­ees from va­ri­ous de­­part­­ments, including LED light de­velop­ment, circuit develop­­ment, mech­an­ical design, and pro­to­type con­­struc­tion.


We have got the power.

The design and de­velop­ment of electronic air­craft power supplies is just one of the main compe­tencies at AES. We benefit from over 25 years of expe­rience in this field of aviation.


Stay connected.

The AES com­­mun­­ica­­tion sys­­tem for air­­crafts is a flex­ible “all in one” so­lu­tion. We con­tin­ue to de­velop our sys­tem while meet­ing VIP, pri­vate and busi­ness jets as well as gov­­ern­­ment cus­­to­mers’ needs since the early 1990s.

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